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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"Teach A Man To Fish" - Addendum


First, here is an encouragement from my dear friend Brian Thompson.

“I liked your 'teach a man to fish' proposal. I have been praying for Pastor Alejo following the demise of his business & there is clearly a need for wider support for the other pastors & their families. I also believe it is a godly principle for leaders to be prepared to work with their own hands as well as preparing the ground for the ability of others to support them as their own position becomes stronger. This keeps a strong connection between leaders & their communities as well as being a powerful witness to the community. Not only of what commitment and compassion can do, but also how differently the kingdom of God works from the kingdoms of this world. Where leaders are known by their status & privileged position, instead of their servant spirit. I do pray God will bless the project.” Please keep Brian in your prayers as he is stage four cancer.

Egg Project Realities
It is suggested, by one who knows the project, Paul Wilson, that my figures concerning cost and profit are optimistic. Indeed, they are.

But here are some realities to the Egg Project:

“Some chickens die out of each batch, some get sick, some hemorrhage from laying large eggs, and some will only lay 6 out of 7 days.  As young they start slowly and as older they start to lay less so there is an average production that must be considered for the entire 16-month life” of the hen.  This is why the cost of training from an experienced egg business man is so important.

There are also higher egg sales depending geographically where the eggs are to be sold. Also, they will be able to sell some of the eggs retail. Mixed in this production are quail eggs that have a higher profit.

So on the low end, out of 384 chickens to figure the income on and average possible of 350 eggs per day at 1P profit per egg.

On the low end of profit at full production:
One egg machine of 48 chickens x eight machines producing 350 eggs per day is 350P per day x 30 days per month is 10,500P per month less 15% reserve for future livelihood projects,nets 297.5P per day or 8,925P per month. 300 pesos per day is still comparable with skilled labor for this area. This will be a greatly appreciated income for the pastors.

I pray you will consider helping with this
“teach a man to fish” project.

Any suggestions you may have will be appreciated.

Egg Project Estimated Expenses

Travel and Training                                                    $325
Chicken House Construction                                        $435
8 egg machines @ $217 ea. (labor and materials)         $1,736
384 hens @ $10.33 ea. (Includes shipping)                   $3,967
                                                                    Total         $6,463 

Thank you all for your generosity and support through the years. Together we are saving souls for eternity, healing broken families and relationships and communities are being transformed.


You are all big blessings for the Filipino people.

Your partner in this ministry.

Steve Bragg 

"The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.
For the Scripture says, "YOU SHALL NOT MUZZLE THE OX WHILE HE IS THRESHING," and "The laborer is worthy of his wages" (1 Timothy 5:17-18).

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