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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Palawan Report 8/27/14

My Dear Partners of RRCP

Pastor Alagos said “truly Palawan is God’s grace!”
Madahon House Church 
Palawan Tribes of Agutaynon, Batac, and Tagbanua
Two years ago Pastor Alagos planted our first church on the island of Palawan, Philippines at Barangay Santa Lourdes. Since that time, our Lord Jesus Christ has grown us into the RRCP Palawan Region consisting of three churches with church buildings and six house churches. We have had about 70 baptisms and our total weekly attendance is 400-500. We are reaching our target of the unchurched and dechurched in the remote areas of the Philippines that have no other church.

10 Baptisms

Visiting the Palawan Churches

Buenavista Tribal Church
Palawan Tribes of Agutaynon, Batac, and Tagbanua

Maranat House Church

Maryogon House Church
Cuyonin Tribe  

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
  • We went to Palawan to visit and encourage churches. Our Lord, however, provided our First Annual Palawan Regional Convention with 8 of the 9 churches in attendance.
  • We also had our first monthly pastors and leaders meeting for the Palawan Region consisting of 3 churches with church buildings and 6 thriving house churches.
  • THE QUESTION to the leaders: “if we knew for sure Jesus coming was imminent and soon, what would we do different?”
  • THE ANSWER: reach further and quicker into the remote areas with house churches.
  • Pastor Alagos and I went to encourage and came away encouraged.
First Palawan Region Pastor's Meeting



We have the feet, hands, and experience. Together with your prayers and generosity we can share Jesus’ salvation and His love in action! 

Your Partners in this ministry to Filipinos,

Pastor Steve Bragg and Pastor Alejo Alagos

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Testimony

The Worst of Sinners ~ 
The Best of Grace and Mercy

“And the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus.
It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all.
Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life” (1 Timothy 1:14-16 NASB).

At seven years of age my grandmother took me to see The Ten Commandments movie by Cecile B DeMille. I was spellbound by Moses standing on a cliff, ready to open the Red Sea, declaring “Be still and see the salvation of the Lord!” “God will fight for you this day!” My continued prayer each night for many years was God use my life like you did Moses.

My grandmother was an ordained Four Square Preacher. However, Grandma had a drinking problem that overtook her life and ministry. She fell from ministry and left our lives at the request of my mother. Grandma came to see me late one night at my bedroom window. I believe I was age ten at that time. She gave me a Bible and said this book would be my life. She talked about the dedication to the Lord of the first born male child. I was the first born. She prayed for me with power and conviction that I would serve the Lord. I never saw my grandmother again.

My grandmother, mother, father and stepfather all drank heavily and had morality issues. As I grew with no guidance in faith, I was lost to the world of drinking, drugs, and immorality.

The Lord had heard my prayer as a young child to serve Him, and I believe the dedication prayer of my grandmother. At age 27, I found the Lord and immediately entered Bible College. In college I learned the Bible well but had not learned the power of God to transform my life. I was able to keep the drinking, drugs and immorality at bay during college. Soon after graduation while in my first preaching ministry the strongholds of these sins overtook my life once again. I had learned the theology of God’s Word but missed its life. I was still dead in my trespasses and sin. Like my grandmother, I fell from the ministry. I lost everything including family, ministry, reputation, and church.

In my fallen state, I embraced the darkness. The lustful desires of my heart were on fire and could not be quenched. Indeed I became one of the worst of all sinners. There was not much that I did not experience.
After thirteen years of wondering in darkness, sin had destroyed me. All that was left of my life was ruined. There was only heartache, and the pain of an empty, unfulfilled life. Finally, in desperation I fell to my knees and asked God if he could forgive me. I asked if possible I could have a little happiness in this life.

My hope was forgiveness. My continued pain was the unfulfilled life of serving my Lord. A strong desire to serve God had never left me. I concluded that my sins were too great for Him to restore my life into His service.

But to my amazement, God was to take the broken pieces of my life and not only forgive me, but restore me into a powerful ministry that I could never have imagined.

My heart was broken, and God would use my broken heart to save me from the ravages of sin. I was to learn the depths of not only His forgiveness, but also His grace and mercy. Like the Apostle Paul I was to declare that if God could forgive and use the worst of sinners, me, he can forgive and restore you as well.
One night I went to a church service. It was a church that did not know me from the past. I sat in the back ready to make a quick exit after the service. I did not want to answer the probing questions that would embarrass me to say I was once a pastor, but I had fallen from the ministry. My life is now in ruin.

At the end of the service, the pastor started talking about communion. He talked about our Lord’s sacrifice of his blood and life for my sins. He told of the resurrection and the hope of eternal life. I wanted to run out the door, but I was glued to the chair. Tears were shooting from eyes as the emblems came to me. Never did our Lord’s Supper mean so much to me as then. When I arrived home, I said to the Lord you arrange that just for me, thank you!

I wanted to go to church regularly now. My new Christian wife from our Lord and I found a church. I took the pastor to coffee. I wanted to tell him who I was, a fallen pastor. Part way through my story he stopped me and said he also fell, and God had restored his life and ministry. Then he said life changing words to me. He said, “God loves you Steve!” Oh, these words were like cool water to a man dying of thirst.

For several years this pastor and other mentors taught me how to live with God. They helped me back onto the path of life in our Lord! My restoration into service was slowly. First I led a Bible study, then a life group, then I became a board member, and finally an elder. Just a few years ago I was ordained as a Pastor.
In 2005, I was given a $100 and asked to invest it in the Kingdom of God as an illustration of the Parable of the Talents. I prayed that God would show me how to use the $100. I asked God if I could be a part of whatever blessing it became. At that same time my wife’s sister in the Philippines was praying for a church in her remote community. I enlisted the help of others and that $100 became Grace Chapel. We attended its dedication in 2006.

For the next several years, my Lord continued to grow my relationship with Him. In 2011, my family and I moved to the Philippines as missionaries. Now in 2014 we were 22 new churches in remote areas of the Philippines. We have many care programs in the name of our Lord Jesus. These ministries of love are regular feedings for malnourished children, school scholarships the less fortunate children, health programs, and support for pastors, clothing programs, and most of all the hope of our Lord Jesus and His saving mercy and grace. Many lives and communities are being transformed with the loving care of our Lord.

My life is fulfilled and overflowing. The prayer of that seven-year-old boy, me, is being answered.
 “God is fighting for you this day!” “See the salvation of our LORD!” 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


My Dear Grace Chapel Partners - RRCP

This August 22-26 Pastor Alagos and I will be on the island of Palawan, Philippines. We will celebrate the 3rd anniversary of RRCP Santa Lourdes church, break ground for the new church building at Barangay Buenavista in the tribal area, visit all of our 9 churches including house churches, and 22 baptisms are scheduled. PRAISE THE LORD!

RRCP Santa Lourdes Palawan

From Pastor Alagos

When I look back the ministry 3 years ago, When US Embassy denied my entry to USA so instead of going to US my wife and me and Joshua went to Palawan for a mission journey for 15 days and there we started a 2 night’s crusade at Santa Lourdes, Puerto Princesa City. During those time God has showered his mercy for the people and in that 2 nights many have experience healing and we had started many bible studies.

Three Years Later

RRCP Santa Lourdes (with a church building) have 72 people last Sunday with Ptr Stephen and Sarah.
·         They have also 3 house Churches located at Sitio Maranat Bacongan with 23 people, Barangay Bahili with 4 families or 15 people and Barangay Manalo with 10 people attended last Sunday.
·         Praise the Lord they have also many strong men and elders that handles these house churches. Pastor Steve and I will be there on this 24th for their anniversary.
·         They have 15 people to be baptized when we arrived.

RRCP - Christ Transformation Center (with a church building) at Tagumpay Roxas Palawan with Pastor Larry and Judy have increased attendance of 40 including children and Young people,
·         They have 7 people for baptism on 22nd of this month when we arrived there.
·         They have 5 Life groups surrounding the nearby Barangay and Sitios.
·         They have one house church at Sitio Candelaria 9 miles going to the mountain with the attendance of more or less 35. This is the place having many malnourished children.

RRCP Buenavista (church building under construction) with 4 tribes namely Coyunin, Tagbanua, Batac and Agutaynon with Pastor Oab our Agutaynon Pastor have also improved their attendance.
·         Last Sunday 46 people attended the service.
·         He have two house Churches namely Sitio Dahondahon having 16 people and the other one at Sta. Fe very far from his place with 3 families.
·         We are about to start the church building there.
·         Pastor Oab have also raised 2 leaders working with him. We will be there on the 22nd.

Pastor Purdencio Alagos our Evangelist
·         Improved the attendance at RRCP Mariogon House Church with 18 people attending the service.
·         He is also about to start another house church in another mountainous barangay.

AMEN, AMEN! EVERYBODY ARE WORKING VERY HARD FOR THE HARVEST OF SOULS. Please pray for us, Pastor Steve and I will go to Palawan on August 22-25 for our 4th Mission Visit, We will be doing again Baptisms in the river hope that crocodile will not be there.

THANK YOU LORD. This happened all because you pray, AMEN! To God be the glory

Monday, August 4, 2014

Birth of a New Ministry

Children's Care Center"(CCC)

This is the birthing of a new ministry from heart of Pastor Alejo Alagos and our Lord Jesus Christ. You have been reading about it on my Facebook page but now you'll hear it from pastor Alagos heart!

Generous hearts have stepped forward to support this ministry. THANK YOU!

Here is Pastor Alagos:     

Month ago, as I sat on my office at first hour in the morning first day of the week, two parents came with tears in their eyes. They can hardly spoke because of the heaviness OF their heart for their two children were candidates for dropping because of their absences, tardiness and very low academic performance in the school. I have given my time to listen to their confession about their situation. The first parent is a widow and the one have many children that they cannot feed regularly and most of the time they ate one meal a day. After the conversation I scanned their records and to my surprise they were one among the severe malnourish children of our school. I can't hold my tears so I began to pray..."Lord Can I be your instrument to these hungry and least children so that they may know that you care for them? For what purpose that you put me in this office if I will don't mind them? In this campus they address me Pastor and yet I can't even touch their lives in a holistic way?... They need to see You through me because when I mention your name to them they cannot understand and feel your love!! 

This prayer really broke my heart for God's kingdom are really for people like them. So my mind begun to visualized many things and for three sleepless night I was able to come-up with the ministry namely: "Children's Care Center"(CCC).

The Vision are the following: 

VISION: Children's Care Center is intentionally committed to love and reach-out the least among the children in the community and cater their basic academic, health, moral and spiritual needs so that they will become physically, emotionally and spiritually strong and God-fearing individual and a productive citizen of the society ever ready to respond to the call of service for their community.

MISSION: Children Care Center will provide temporary shelter for the children to love and care by generating activities and resources that would cater their basic academic, health, moral and spiritual needs.

1. Improve academic performance of the least among the children in the elementary grade on the following areas: Reading comprehension skills in English to Mother Tongue, Reviving Elementary Mathematics focusing on its four fundamental operations, Health Education with elementary science integration, feeding program and values formation for moral recovery.
2. Reduced malnourished children by providing them nutritious meal during their sessions.
3. Be a help to the Department of Education in their programs leading to the reduction of the drop-out and failure rate and increase the participation rate of the school.
4. Becoming an arm of the government on moral recovery, value formation and Children's Protection Programs.

The sessions will be done every Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

MY THOUGHT IS THIS: "If the adults of our present generation will not respond to the call for transformation, then we will start with our children today so that together we can make a difference to the coming generation".

With the help of my beloved friend Pastor Steve, just this week many people from RRC-USA have responded to this program, THANK YOU LORD, WE REALLY SERVE AND AWESOME GOD. As we assessed, we are almost ready to start the program, please pray for us that before the start of September we can raise the exact amount to cover the finances for the entire program from September 2014 to March 2015.


God's grace is so abundant. Amen, amen!!

Your partners in this ministry to Filipinos,

Pastors Steve Bragg & Alejo Alagos