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Friday, March 30, 2012

Grace Chapel Ministries Report April 2012

Update from the Philippines

Elder Meeting RRC
1.      We have been living in the Philippines for eight months now. We moved here August 8th 2011. My friend Bill Souders wrote the other day that he was happy that I was living my dream. He could not have said it better! Since 2005, the dream and goal of our family was to live and serve the Lord in the Philippines. From 2005, through August 2011 the Lord prepared us a family. Also during that time wonderful relationships were formed with what would become Grace Chapel Partners. We, as a family, grew in our faith at River Rock Church. They were our shepherds and mentors so that we would be fully prepared to live our dream as a missionary family to the Philippines.

Commissioned a Missionary
Family to the Philippines
2.     In early August 2011, the Pastors and Elders of River Rock Church commissioned me as an Elder of River Rock Church. They also commissioned Juliana, Steven and me as a missionary family to the Philippines to plant 10 more churches. Also in August, Imbler Christian Church with Pastor Leroy Stolle baptized our son Steven. Their Elders prayed for his life to be dedicated to the Lord. And again the Elders prayed for us and dedicated us as missionaries to the Philippines.

3.     Pastor Alejo Alagos has been our evangelist here in the Philippines planting new churches since 2006. During this time, I administrated from the US. Our goal, once we got the Philippines, was to work together to plant many more churches in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m delighted to say that we work excellent together. Alejo is my dear brother in the Lord. The Lord has made us partners in the unique ministry. His is also my interpreter when I’m given the occasion to share the Gospel. I’m happy to say I’m able to share the Gospel often!

4.     November and December 2011 were busy months. Here in the Philippines all churches celebrate Thanksgiving in November and of course Christmas in December. The Thanksgiving’s here is for the blessings the Lord as granted each church during the past year. As a new missionary, to the area, Pastor Alagos and me were the guest speakers for 10 churches for Thanksgiving and Christmas Celebrations, a Leadership Youth Camp, and 3 New Year celebrations. Each time many came forward to recommit their lives in repentance, and many were saved, thank you Lord!

The launch or
River Rock Church Esparar
5.     Our fourth new church was started. River Rock Church Esparar is located at Barangay Esparar, Barbaza, Antique. Currently, there are 3 bible studies going with about 25 regular attendees. We are negotiating a place to build the church building. They have a full time Pastor, Alex Egloria.

Hill of Zion's first Anniverary
November 2011
6.     With praise to our Lord, we celebrated the 5th year anniversary of Grace Chapel, the 4th year of Tabernacle of Praise, and first year of Hill of Zion.

7.     Three of our four churches, Grace Chapel, Tabernacle of Praise and Hill of Zion met together for a Leadership Youth Camp.

Youth Leadership Conference
December 2011
8.     We are currently organizing to become River Rock Church Philippines. All of our churches will become River Rock Church Philippines. This will be our unique version of multisite churches. It will be like River Rock Church there in the US. We will be one church with multiple locations. Each location will have its own Pastor and Elders. Being recognized by the Philippines government will allow our pastors to perform marriages.

9.     We are now followed and supported worldwide. Through the Grace Chapel Ministries blog, we have followers on every continent. We have followers in more than 15 countries. Grace Chapel Partners is now almost 200 followers. Three Churches follow and support us; River Rock Church, Imbler Christian Church, and Faith Baptist Church, Houston, TX. There are more than a dozen churches, here in the Philippines, that help us plant new churches. If you would like to join Grace Chapel Partners please send me an email to

10.   We provided scholarships for 10 students this year.
11.   This April 2012, I will return to River Rock Church to give a ministry report. I will also be ordained as a Pastor of River Rock Church. I will return to the Philippines and ordain our Pastors here.

Dr. David W. Robinson
My friend and mentor
Elder River Rock Church Philippines
12.  I want to give appreciation from my heart to Dr. David W. Robinson, Elder of River Rock Church, for his dependable wisdom in leadership, and diligent work for our ministry here in the Philippines. David is truly a bond servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. He keeps us connected in the Shield Wall! David has been our ally in the Lord through numerous spiritual battles that have come against us in this ministry to the Philippines. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have prevailed, the Gospel is preached, and churches are being established in our Lord’s name.

Projection for 2012, Lord willing!

  1. We are praying the Lord will provide funds to build 3 churches this year. We have 3 locations targeted that currently have bible studies and ready Pastors. We will launch each church with a two night Concert Crusade. Many pastors and church workers will canvas the Barangays and invite them to the Crusade. They will go back after the Crusade and follow-up with bible studies. After the groups are formed, we will build the church building and provide a salary for the Pastor for one year as he gets the church started. This model has worked successfully in starting Tabernacle of Praise, Hill of Zion, and River Rock Church Esparar. Each church plant is approximately $4000. We will need your financial support to accomplish this year’s goal.
  2. Complete the process of becoming recognized as River Rock Church Philippines by the Philippines government.
  3. Provide scholarships for 12 students. Each scholarship is $25 per month for the 10 month school year. The new school year starts in June, 2012. Please let me know if you would like to be a sponsor.
  4. Establish the framework of a Pastor Training College.

You may donate to Grace Chapel through River Rock Church website

Or you may mail a check to:
Grace Chapel
c/o River Rock Church
2008 SE 8th Avenue
Camas, WA 98607
Phone 360.885.9000

I pray your donation to Grace Chapel would be over and above the support of the church where you worship.

Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."

Serving the Lord in the Philippines,

Steve Bragg
River Rock Church
& Grace Chapel Ministries
Serving in Patnongon Antique Philippines

Grace Chapel Blog:
Grace Chapel Facebook:
My Story
Birth of RRC Esparar:
Documentary: First Four Churches

A Christmas Story Philippines 2011

US Visa Decision

My Dear Grace Chapel Partners,

We Can Always Trust
Our Lord's Care For Us
Pastor Alagos was denied the US Visa.

All the documents were in order. The Embassy gave some reasons for the denial. However, we placed this in God’s hands, so their reasons have no authority in this matter. This was our Lord’s decision alone, blessed be the name of our Lord!

We will take this as the Lord’s will. So many times we don’t understand the decisions of our Lord. But because we know He loves us, we trust in Him. God sees what we cannot. By faith in His love, we rejoice that His decision is by His Divine Love.

I’m deeply disappointed. I’m also comforted knowing that it was our Lord’s decision and not theirs.

Through our many trials and victories this past year we have come to understand this verse well.

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

My prayer just now is we will come to understand the Lord’s decision over time. I pray we will know sooner rather than later.

I will see you all in the US the last two weeks of April.

May our Dear Lord continue to bless our lives with His grace!

Your Brother in the Lord,

Steve Bragg

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Praying and Fasting for Pastor Alagos US Visa – Last Prayer Day!

Hebrews 4:16
My Dear Grace Chapel Partners,

This is our last prayer for Pastor Alagos to be granted a US visa. In less than 1 hour at 7:30am Pastor Alagos will begin his interview at the US Embassy, Manila, Philippines.

We believe all the documents needed to grant the visa are in order. What remains is their decision to grant the visa. The US government is granting very few visas at this time for Filipinos.

This is why we have made an appeal to the Highest Authority, The Lord God Almighty, Himself. He is the Highest Court. No one can stand against His will. If it is our Lord and Savior’s will to have Pastor Alagos in the US, it will be so. When God said “let there be light” it was so. No darkness could stand in the way of His command!

With this in mind, today beginning at 7:30am Manila time and 4:30pm  Pacific Standard Time, I’m asking for one last earnest prayer from you all to our Lord that it would be our Lord God’s will to have Pastor Alagos in the US.

If the Lord Wills

Jas 4:15  Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

***It is good and comforting to know that whatever the Lord’s will, it will be right it for us all***

God Says If We Desire Something to Pray

Php 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Rom 1:10  always in my prayers making request, if perhaps now at last by the will of God I may succeed in coming to you.

Thank you all for your loyalty and diligence in this matter.

May our Sovereign Lord hear our prayers and supplications, in Jesus name!

As soon as I have any word on our Lord’s will, I will let you know.

Steve Bragg

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why Start a New Church in Igsoro?

Hello Grace Chapel Partners,
I have held each of by name up before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have asked Him to bless you, your families, and finances. If you sent me a specific prayer request, I have held it up to our Lord, also.
I was asked by one of you, why start a new church in Igsoro? It's a good question and here is the answer. With this detail, I hope it will enhance your prayers for this new church, Lord willing.
Hill of Zion Church Building
Our goal is to plant Christian churches in barangays where there is no Christian church. Most of these Barangays are remotely located. Most churches have capitalized on the Barangays nearest the main roads. So we try to go where there are none. We want to take the Gospel where it will have the greatest impact.
Igsoro is extremely remote, deep in the interior. There are still tribes there. I’m told I may be the first white man for many there to see.

There is a lady who lives there, Irene, who is an alternative school teacher. It’s the only school there. Both Irene and her husband live in Igsoro.

Hill of Zion First Year Anniversay Celebration
December 2011
Irene is a Christian. She has a Bible study in her home. She had heard of us and has been trying to contact us for two years and finally did a few months ago. Several denominations have tried to start churches there but finding pastors to live there is hard and there is no money for support. The locals are very poor. The churches that have gone there before have been unsuccessful. Igsoro’s remote location hinders many ministries, regular services, and shepherding of the people.

Lord willing, when we go we will build a church building. The Alternative School will use that building during the week. We will be bringing the Department of Agriculture up to help them also. Pastor Alagos has connections with them. Through our connection with the Department of Education we will try to get the Alternative School program enhanced.

Hill of Zion lanch with a Concert Crusade
We also have a trained Pastor who is willing to go and live among them. We will build an attached parsonage to the church building. Sister Irene is willing to donate the land for the church and give the new pastor 1 hector of land to help support him. He can plant crops and start a piggery, and have poultry, etc. We will support the new Pastor for one year. Our support is much more than he will need there so he can use it to start developing the land that is given him.

There are 3000-4000 Filipinos in that community.

I hope this helps to focus your prayers and support for this new church and this ministry. We need both your prayer and financial support to start these new churches.

(The pictures are of the Hill of Zion church building that we built. The parsonage is attached in the back. It has a cement floor and steel roof. The Hill of Zion congregation will repalce the bamboo walls with cement block later as they grow. This is our model.)

You can make your online donation to Grace Chapel

Or mail to:
Grace Chapel
c/o River Rock Church
2008 SE 8th Avenue Camas, WA 98607
Phone: 360.885.9000

Steve Bragg
River Rock Church
& Grace Chapel Ministries
Serving in Patnongon Antique Philippines

Birth of RRC Esparar:


Documentary: First Four Churches   

A Christmas Story Philippines 2011  
Encouragement: In the Lord Almighty’s Presence I Stand


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pastor Alejo Alagos Second Run at a US Visa

Hello Grace Chapel Partners,

Pastor Alejo Alagos will make a second and final run at attempting to get his US Visa from the American Embassy in Manila. Alejo was turned down the first time because they thought he would go to the US work illegally, and send money to his family. His trip to meet you all and be ordained by River Rock Church (RRC) was well documented.  They turned him down anyway. They did not even consider the letters from Dr. Elder David Robinson, Pastor Kelly and I as valid.
We are much better documented this time. Our documentation will be overwhelming. However, the interview will only be a few minutes and a knee jerk decision. The interviewers will see hundreds that day! No will be the typical decision.
So, I’m asking that we enlist God with some earnest prayer from Grace Chapel Partners. I’m suggesting that we pray (and fast if you’re able) for 10 days prior to the interview and during the interview. If God wants Pastor Alagos in the US, He will make the way. But first He may want to know if Grace Chapel Partners, River Rock Church, Imbler Christian Church, and Faith Baptist Church want Pastor Alagos in the US. Each of us praying for 10 days will show the Lord we are serious about this event.
With confidence I can say you all will be blessed in meeting your brother Pastor Alejo Alagos from the Philippines. Pastor Alagos has started 27 churches in his 27 years of ministry. He is a Principal for two elementary schools, and a full time Pastor/Evangelist for our Lord and now Grace Chapel Partners, River Rock Church, Imbler Christian Church, and Faith Baptist Church.
HERE IS THE PROCESS. I will remind you all each day for 10 days to pray (fast). The rest is between you and the Lord. The 200 Grace Chapel Partners, Elders from River Rock Church, Imbler Christian Church, and Faith Baptist Church, in concert, on their knees before the Lord should be an awesome event!
Pastor Alagos interview is March 30th at 7:30 am Friday, Filipino time (Manila). This will be 3:30 pm Thursday Pacific Time, your time.
Thank you my friends for your kind attention to this. I am excited to see you all and introduce Pastor Alejo Alagos to you, River Rock Church, and Imbler Christian Church. We hope to have the process of the Philippine government to recognize RRC in the Philippines under way and maybe completed by the time we arrive April 16th. Church number 5, RRC Igsoro, is in the planning stage now. Once we are recognized by the Philippine Government we have a dozen independent churches that have asked to join us. Your prayers and guidance is well needed for us here.
***We currently have speaking engagements at RRC and Imbler Christian Church. If you would like to meet with us or have us give a presentation at your Church please let me know.
May our Lord continue to bless us all,
Steve Bragg